»Der Rote Reiter« (engl.: »The Red Rider«) leads his musical heirs into the battle. With this "red rider", DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER celebrate a rapid return to home.
"A rider's descending from heaven, a bleeding volcano..." »Der Rote Reiter« (engl.: »The Red Rider«) leads his musical heirs into the battle. With this "red rider", DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER celebrate a rapid return to home. It's been a while since the band sounded this riotous and powerful. Within an apocalyptic soundscape, they reach a delicate balancing act between hope and destruction. The infernal weight and intensity of the songs mixed up with pleasure and joy are the basics of the tenth rider studio album. The album is passionate and intense in every respect. The album will be released in summer 2017, the tour will start in fall. The band stated: "We're set to hit the road. A rider's descending from heaven, covered in blood. We'll enter the stages again, earth will be shaking and we will try our best. We're looking forward to heavy riffs, wild moshpits and to seeing YOU. We won't play any open airs in 2017, there's only this tour. Tickets are available now from www.reitermania.de. See you this autumn, REITER maniacs." »Der Rote Reiter« was produced by the band and co-producers Alexander Dietz (HEAVEN SHALL BURN) and Eike Freese (DEEP PURPLE, KAI HANSEN) at Chameleon Recording (Chemical Burn Studios). Says co-producer Alexander Dietz on the new REITER album: "DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER are back. Merciless, fresh and with lots of joy of playing. They overcome the balancing act of restless heaviness and graceful beauty easily!" »Ein Reiter steigt vom Himmel« Tour 2017 Presented by: Metal Hammer, musix, metal.de, Nuclear Blast, Extratours, Gewa, Meinl, Legacy, Ibanez DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER + special guests 20.10. D Hanover - Musikzentrum 21.10. D Dresden - Alter Schlachthof 26.10. D Frankfurt - Batschkapp 27.10. D Dortmund - FZW 28.10. D Hamburg - Markthalle 02.11. D Nuremberg - Hirsch 03.11. D Kaiserslautern - Kammgarn 04.11. CH Pratteln - Z7 09.11. D Ludwigsburg - Rockfabrik 10.11. D Munich - Backstage 11.11. A Vienna - Simm City 16.11. D Berlin - SO36 17.11. D Erfurt - HSD 18.11. D Cologne - Essigfabrik