Winner of raffle wins VIP visit to the NB-HQ

During December 2014, we had a big raffle, in which one of the prizes was a VIP visit to our headquarters in Donzdorf, Germany. One of the winners, accompanied by one of hi...
CRADLE OF FILTH: Unveil Artwork For New Album Du liest Winner of raffle wins VIP visit to the NB-HQ 2 Minuten Weiter NIGHTWISH – announce new single
During December 2014, we had a big raffle, in which one of the prizes was a VIP visit to our headquarters in Donzdorf, Germany. One of the winners, accompanied by one of his mates, now payed a visit. We knew he was a great DESTRUCTION fan – and as a surprise for the lucky winner, we could win frontman Schmier as his guide through the halls! Of course, we took the camera, too: Schmier says: "The Nuclear Blast office is like a second home to me, many good & old friends are working here! It was great fun to introduce the winners, that by surprise came accidentally from my country side at the south west of germany, yes we are all hillbillies …haha... to the NB Team here and show them the holy "twilight halls"! Of course the office also has a bar and entertainment room, so we started there with a nice drink into the roundtrip of 25 years german Metal history …YES we all had a great time as you can see in the little clip!" Andreas, the lucky winner, remembers: “This day was completely awesome! I have been a customer for years, and I am more or less from the area, so there’s a lot that connects us. And now, I won this VIP visit and the chance to look behind the scenery – crazy! I was really surprised to see Schmier walk through the door – and then he is my guide, too! The best thing however was meeting the NB staff. The only downside: The day was over way too quickly!”