Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die

GO AHEAD AND DIE - Veröffentlichen neues Album 'Unhealthy Mechanisms'!

Zur Feier des neuen Albums präsentiert die Band eine Flut roher Visionen in Form des Tracks 'Drug-O-Cop'.
Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die

GO AHEAD AND DIE - release animated video for second single 'Desert Carnage'!

'Desert Carnage' is the pummeling opener to Unhealthy Mechanisms. This track takes listeners on a fiery journey through an apocalyptic desert inspired by their home state of Arizona.
Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die

GO AHEAD AND DIE - Neues Album 'Unhealthy Mechanisms' ab dem 20. Oktober erhältlich!

Der erste Vorgeschmack auf das Album kommt in Form der Single 'Tumors'. Der Kopfnick-induzierende Track ist ein Aufruf an die Verräter, die toxisch sind und die "Tumore" des Lebens sind.
Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die

GO AHEAD AND DIE - Release New Music Video!

Today GO AHEAD AND DIE releases the animated music video for the second single, "Toxic Freedom".
Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die

GO AHEAD AND DIE - release music video!

GO AHEAD AND DIE announce their self-titled album + release new music video for 'Truckload Full Of Bodies'!
Go Ahead and Die
Go Ahead and Die


Nuclear Blast is proud to announce the signing of Arizona's GO AHEAD AND DIE. The band features Max Cavalera, his son Igor Amadeus Cavalera and Zach Coleman.