Image: Official Spotify logo
First of all, big praise to the Reddit user "Axxelschweiss", who has made it his task to collect all Spotify statistics and create the map.
The Reddit user "Axxelschweiss" comments here:
"I was looking for a list of the most listened to metal bands in each country, but there wasn't one. So I did the work and created this map," he wrote in the comments to the post, which was shared on the Map Porn Reddit page."
In the comments, the user explained that the map shows which metal band is the most listened to in each country based on their Spotify popularity in 2024, not the most popular bands of all time, so the map only shows a snapshot of the current biggest bands on Spotify broken down by country of use.
Thanks to the Reddit user, we have included images of the different regions on the map below and listed some of the bands shown on the map.

Image: - u/Axxelschweiss
Here are a few notes on the map, which the user has noted in the Reddit comments:
- The results may vary depending on what is considered metal. For example, Sabaton was identified as the most popular metal band in Sweden, but Ghost would be the correct answer for those who labelled Ghost as metal. Another example is Volbeat, which was ranked as the most popular band in Denmark. For those who do not consider Volbeat to be metal, King Diamond would be the correct answer.
- In the bottom left corner of the map is a legend with numbers for countries that were too small to accommodate the band's name, indicating that all greyed out countries have no data for their most popular metal band on Spotify.
The maps of the individual regions
Some of the Most Popular Metal Bands in North America:
- USA: Metallica
- Canada: Spiritbox
- Mexico: Anabantha
- Cuba: Zeus
- Dominican Republic: La Armada

Some of the Most Popular Metal Bands in South America:
- Brazil: Sepultura
- Colombia: Kraken
- Peru: Difonia
- Venezuela: Cultura Tres

Some of the Most Popular Metal Bands in Europe:
- U.K.: Black Sabbath
- Germany: Rammstein
- France: Gojira
- Poland: Behemoth
- Norway: Dimmu Borgir
- Sweden: Sabaton
- Ukraine: Jinjer
- Russia: Slaughter to Prevail
- Finland: Nightwish
- Italy: Wind Rose (Reddit users noticed that Lacuna Coil was wrongly written on the card)
Image: - u/Axxelschweiss
Some of the Most Popular Metal Bands in Africa:
- South Africa: XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX (which according to Metal Archives stands for: Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated by Mass Amounts of Filthy Fecal Fisting and Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside the Infected Maggot Infested Womb of a Molested Nun Dying Under the Roof of a Burning Church While a Priest Watches and Ejaculates in Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus)
- Madagascar: Beyond Your Ritual (much better)
- Botswana: Overthrust
- Zimbabwe: Dividing the Element
Image: - u/Axxelschweiss
Some of the Most Popular Metal Bands in the Middle East + Asia:
- China: Nine Treasures
- Mongolia: The Hu
- India: Bloodywood
- Japan: Babymetal
- Indonesia: Dane
- Pakistan: Takatak
- Iran: Confess
- Kazakhstan: Ulytau
Image: - u/Axxelschweiss
Some of The Most Popular Metal Bands in Australia + New Zealand:
- Australia: Parkway Drive
- New Zealand: Alien Weaponry