For almost 3 decades, the US/French-Canadian based melodic death metal syndicate KATAKLYSM has delivered unapologetic waves of powerful sound across the entire globe. On August 11th, the band’s 15th full-length studio album GOLIATH will be unleashed unto the masses via Nuclear Blast Records.
Following the release of 2020’s highly acclaimed Unconquered album, KATAKLYSM had more time than usual to work on the follow up album. Normally equipped with a release every two years, the band had the opportunity to really craft this album over the span of 3 years. GOLIATH, staying true to its name, is an aggressive and mean album that was a product of its own unique obstacles.
Not many bands have achieved what KATAKLYSM has in the span of their long and rigorous career, but what truly makes them stand them apart from the masses is seeing the world through truthful eyes, and creating the perfect musical landscape to describe it. With this new album, KATAKLYSM gives an innocent but aggressive album in a time of such uncertainty. Goliath is the band’s response to the kind of media that was being force-fed from both sides and coming up with their voice and identity that has made them the figures of Death Metal.